
French Lesson 03

Monday, October 09, 2006

Learn French


Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
bien well
dans in
à to/at
de from/for/of
en in
pour for
accepter to accept
aider to help
danser to dance
célébrer to celebrate
converser to converse
parler to talk, to speak
acheter to buy
désirer to desire
enseigner to teach
inviter to invite
appeler to call
travailler to work
visiter to visit
aimer to like
détester to hate
adorer to adore
chanter to sing
écouter to listen
étudier to study
habiter to live
embrasser to hug/to kiss
marcher to walk
regarder (la télévision) to watch (television)
skier to ski
voyager to travel
l'automobile automobile
la danse dance
le café coffee
la rue road
le cinéma cinema
la partie party
l'hôtel hotel
la lumière light
la table table
le pays country
le téâtre theater
le touriste tourist
les vacances vacations
la langue language
nouveau new
souvent often
beaucoup a lot
quelquefois sometimes
assez bien fairly well
rarement rarely
mal badly
C'est ça That's right
Qui est-ce? Who's that?
c'est/ce sont It's (sing./pl.)
À bientôt See you soon
À la prochaine Be seeing you
À tout à l'heure See you in a little while

The Present Indicative of Regular Verbs Ending in -er

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
Regular verbs in French come in several classes. The first class includes those verbs ending in -er which are not irregular. Knowing the conjugation of the present indicative of -er verbs will bring a lot of new possibilities into your French.

To conjugate a regular -er verb, first remove the -er ending. What is left is referred to as the verb stem. For example, the verb stem of chanter is chant-. Now combine the verb stem with the proper ending according to the following:
chanter = to sing
je chante = I sing
tu chantes = you (fam.) sing
il/elle/on chante = he/she/one sings
nous chantons = we sing
vous chantez = you (fam. pl.) sing
ills/elles chantent = he (pl.) sings, she (pl.) studies
Here are some conjugations of other useful verbs ending in er.
j'habite I live
tu skies you ski
il marche he walks
elle chante she sings
nous détestons we hate
vous écoutez you (form. pl.) listen
ils étudient they (masc.) study
elles voyagent they (fem.) travel
tu habites you live
il habite he lives
elle marche she walks
nous marchons we walk
ils marchent they (pl.) walk
vous détestez you (form. pl.) hate
elles chantent they (fem.) sing
nous étudions we study
vous étudiez you (form. pl.) study
ils habitent they (masc.) live

The irregular verb faire

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
Je fais I do
tu fais you do
il fait he does
elle fait she does
on fait one does
nous faisons we do
vous faites you (form. pl.) do
ils font they (masc.) do
elles font they (fem.) do

Possessive Adjectives

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
Possessive adjectives are used to indicate to whom or to what something belongs. For the singular subjects, they differ in form for masculine and feminine. Note that this refers to the gender of the possesed object, not to the gender of the possessor. All of the adjectives differ as well to indicate if the possessed object is singular or plural.

Finally, note that if the possessed object begins with a vowel, and is feminine, the masculine form is used.
mon my masc. sing.
ma my fem. sing.
mon my before vowel
mes my (pl.)
ton your masc. sing.
ta your fem. sing.
ton your before vowel
tes your (pl.)
son his/her/its masc. sing.
sa his/her/its fem. sing.
son his/her/its before vowel
ses his/her/its (pl.)
notre our (sing.)
nos our (pl.)
votre our (sing.)
vos our (pl.)
leur their (sing.)
leurs their (pl.)

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