Common Verb List
Friday, March 06, 2015
Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
añadir, agregar | to add |
abrazar | to hug |
abrir | to open |
acabar (de) | to have just, to finish |
acabar | to finish |
aceptar | to accept |
acordarse | to be in agreement |
acostar(se) | to go to bed |
acusar | to accuse |
adivinar | to guess |
admirar | to admire |
admitir | to admit |
afeitarse | to shave |
agarrar | to get, to grab |
agradecer | to thank |
ahorrar | to save |
alcanzar | to reach |
alegrarse | to be glad |
almorzar | to eat lunch |
amar | to love |
anotar | to write down, to note |
anunciar | to announce, to advertise |
apagar | to turn off |
aparacer | to appear, to show up |
aprender | to learn |
aprobar | to pass a course/exam |
arreglar | to fix |
arreglarse | to get oneself ready |
asistir (a) | to assist |
asustarse, tener miedo | to be scared |
atacar | to attack |
atender | to take care of, to attend to |
atraer | to attract |
avanzar | to advance, to move forward |
averiguar | to find out |
avisar | to advise, to let know |
ayudar | to help |
bañarse | to bathe (oneself) |
bailar | to dance |
bajar | to go down, to lower |
beber | to drink |
borrar | to erase |
botar | to boot, to throw away |
brincar, saltar | to jump |
brindar | to toast |
burlarse | to make fun of |
buscar | to look for, to search for |
caber | to fit |
caer | to fall |
calentarse | to warm up |
callarse | to be quiet |
cambiar | to change |
caminar | to walk |
cancelar | to cancel |
cansarse | to get tired |
cantar | to sing |
cargar | to carry, to recharge |
casarse | to get married |
celebrar | to celebrate |
cenar | to dine, to eat dinner |
cepillarse | to brush |
cerrar | to close |
charlar | to chat, to talk |
chocar | to crash |
cobrar | to charge, cash (a check) |
cocinar | to cook |
comer | to eat |
comprar | to buy |
concentrar | to concentrate |
conducir, manejar | to drive |
confirmar | to confirm |
conocer | to be familiar with, to meet |
conseguir | to obtain, to get |
considerar | to consider |
construir | to construct |
contar (o:ue) | to tell |
contar con | to count on.. |
contestar | to answer |
continuar | to continue |
contribuir | to contribute |
convencer | to convince |
conversar | to chat, to converse |
convertir | to convert, to change |
corregir | to correct |
correr | to run |
cortar | to cut |
costar (u:ue) | to cost |
crear | to create |
crecer | to grow |
creer | to believe |
criar | to raise |
criarse | to grow up, to be raised |
cruzar | to cross |
cubrir | to cover |
cuidarse | to take care of one’s self |
cumplir | to fulfill, to carry out |
dar | to give |
darse cuenta | to realize |
darse por vencido | to give up |
deber + infinitive | to have to + infinitive, to must |
decidir | to decide |
declarar | to declare |
declinar | to decline, to slip, to wane |
dedicarse a | to devote oneself (work) |
dejar | to leave, to leave behind |
depender | to depend |
depositar | to deposit |
desaparecer | to disappear |
desayunar | to eat breakfast |
descansar | to rest |
describir | to describe |
descubrir | to discover |
desear | to desire |
despedirse | to say goodbye |
despertarse | to wake up |
destruir | to destroy |
devolver | to return (an object) |
dibujar | to draw |
dirigir | to direct |
discutir | to discuss, to debate |
disparar | to shoot (gun) |
distraer | to distract |
divertirse | to have fun |
doblar | to turn, to fold |
dolar (o:ue) | to hurt |
dormir | to sleep |
ducharse | to shower |
dudar | to doubt |
durar | to last |
empezar, comenzar | to begin, to start |
emplear | to employ |
enamorarse | to fall in love |
encantar | to love, to adore (things) |
encontrar | to find, to encounter |
enfermarse | to get sick |
enfriar | to cool |
enojarse | to get angry |
enseñar | to teach |
ensuciar | to get dirty |
entender, comprender | to understand |
entrar | to enter |
entregar | to deliver |
enviar, mandar | to send |
equivocarse | to be mistaken |
escoger | to choose |
esconder | to hide |
escribir | to write |
escuchar | to listen |
esperar | to hope |
esquiar | to ski |
establecer | to establish |
estar (irreg.) | to be (temporary condition) |
estar de acuerdo | to be in agreement |
estar ocupado | to be busy |
estar ubicado | to be located |
estudiar | to study |
exigir | to demand |
existir | to exist |
experimentar | to experiment, to experience |
explicar | to explain |
expresar | to express |
faltar | to lack |
fascinar | to fascinate |
firmar | to sign |
formar | to form, to shape |
fumar | to smoke |
funcionar | to function, run (machine) |
ganar | to win |
gastar | to spend |
graduarse | to graduate |
gritar | to scream |
guardar | to keep, to maintain |
guiar | to guide |
gustar | to please, to be pleasing |
hablar | to speak |
hacer | to do |
hacer daño | to be harmful/damaging |
hacerse | to become |
imaginarse | to imagine |
importar | to be important |
inclinar | to incline, to tilt, to slope |
incluir | to include |
indicar | to indicate |
insistir | to insist |
intentar | to attempt |
interesar | to interest, be interested in |
interrumpir | to interrupt |
invitar | to invite |
ir (irreg.) | to go |
irse | to leave, to go away, to depart |
jugar | to play (a game) |
juzgar | to judge |
lavar | to wash |
lavar(se) | to wash (oneself) |
leer | to read |
limpiar | to clean |
llamar | to call |
llamar la atención | to get someone’s attention |
llamar(se) | to call oneself |
llegar | to arrive |
llenar | to fill, to fill out |
llevar | to carry, to bring |
llevarse bien con | to get along well with |
lleventar | to lift |
lleventar(se) | to wake up, to get up |
llorar | to cry |
llover | to rain |
lograr | to get, to obtain, to achieve |
mantener | to maintain |
marcar | to dial, to mark |
matar | to kill |
mejorarse | to improve |
mencionar | to mention |
mentir | to lie |
merecer | to deserve |
mirar | to watch, to look at |
morder | to bite |
morir | to die |
mostrar (o:ue), enseñar | to show |
mover | to move |
nacer | to be born |
nadar | to swim |
necesitar | to need |
nevar | to snow |
oír | to hear |
ocupar | to occupy |
ocurrir | to occur |
ofrecer | to offer |
oler | to smell |
olvidarse | to forget |
ordenar | to order (command) |
organizar | to organize |
pagar | to pay |
parar | to stop |
parecer | to seem, to appear |
participar | to participate |
partir | to divide, to leave |
pasar | to spend time, to happen |
pasar por | to pass by |
pasearse | to take a walk |
pedir | to order (request) |
pegar | to hit |
pelear | to fight |
pensar (i:ie) | to think |
perder | to lose |
permitir | to permit |
pintar | to paint |
planear, planificar | to plan |
poder | to be able |
poner | to put |
ponerse de pie | to stand up |
practicar | to practice |
preferir | to prefer |
preguntar | to ask (a question) |
prender | to switch on (light) |
preocuparse | to worry |
preparar | to prepare |
presentar | to introduce |
prestar | to loan |
prestar atención, hacer caso | to pay attention |
probar (o:ue) | to try, to taste, to sample |
producir | to produce |
prometer | to promise |
pronunciar | to pronounce |
proponer | to propose |
proteger | to protect |
quebrarse | to break |
quedar | to be left |
quedarse | to remain, to stay |
quejarse | to complain |
quemarse | to burn |
querer | to want, to love |
quitar | to quit, to finish, to steal |
quitarse | to take off, to remove oneself |
reírse | to laugh |
realizar | to achieve, to accomplish |
recibir | to receive, to welcome or greet |
recoger | to pick up |
reconocer | to recognize |
recordar | to remember, to remind |
regalar | to give as a present |
registrar | to register |
regresar | to return |
reparar | to repair |
repetir | to repeat |
requerir | to require |
reservar | to reserve |
resolver | to resolve |
responder | to respond |
resultar | to turn out (to be) |
retrasar | to delay |
reunirse | to meet, to reunite |
robar | to steal |
romper(se) | to break (oneself) |
saber | to know (information) |
sacar | to take out, to stick out |
salir | to leave, to go out |
salir bien | to turn out (well) |
saludar | to greet |
secarse | to dry (oneself) off |
seguir | to follow, to continue |
sentarse | to sit down |
sentir | to feel, to regret |
sentirse | to feel (well or ill) |
separar | to separate |
ser (irreg.) | to be (permanent condition) |
servir | to serve |
sesgar | to skew |
solicitar | to solicit |
soltar | to let go |
sonar | to sound, to ring |
soñar con | to dream about |
sonreír | to smile |
sorprender | to surprise |
subir | to go up |
sufrir | to suffer |
sugerir | to suggest |
suministrar | to supply |
suponer | to suppose |
tener (irreg.) | to have |
tener que (irreg.) | to have to |
tener razón | to be right |
terminar | to finish, to terminate |
tirar | to throw |
tocar | to touch, to play (an instrument) |
tomar | to take (to drink) |
trabajar | to work |
traducir | to translate |
traer | to bring, to get, to carry |
tratar de | to try to, to attempt to |
usar | to use |
utilizar | to use, to utilize |
valer | to be worth |
valer la pena | to be worth the trouble |
vencer | to conquer, to overcome |
vender | to sell |
venir | to come |
vestirse | to get dressed |
viajar | to travel, to voyage |
visitar | to visit |
vivir | to live |
volar | to fly |
volver | to return, to go back |
Phrases: Present Indicative, Preterite, Imperfect
Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
¿Cómo añado amigos a mi libreta de direcciones? | How do I add friends to my address book? |
¿Añedes azúcar a tus bebidas? | Do you add sugar to your drinks? |
Juan añede leche a su café. | Juan adds milk to his coffee. |
Añedimos Pedro a nuestro grouo | We add Pedro to our group. |
Unos libros añeden muchas horas de diversión. | A few books add many hours of fun. |
La obra maestra comenzó como un experimento. | The masterpiece began as an experiment. |
El creó esta ciudad. | He created this city. |
Puedes hacer lo que quieras con ellos. | You can do what you want with them. |
Aquí te mostramos algunas de las mejores. | Here we will show you some of the best. |
La litertad que ofrece este juego es maravillosa. | The freedom that this game offers is marvellous. |
No fue hecha por aficionados. | It wasn't built for afficionados. |
Tengo algo que quiero mostrarte. | I have something I want to show you. |
Tienes una cantidad infinita de botellas. | You have an infinite quantity of bottles. |
posted by Unknown at
6:24 pm
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