Spanish Lesson 08
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Learn Spanish
el desayuno | breakfast |
el almuerzo | lunch |
la cena | dinner |
el menú, la carta | menu |
la especialidad | specialty |
la lista | list |
la lista de espera | waiting list |
el mozo, comarero (-a), mesero (-a) | waiter |
el pedido | order |
la propina | tip |
el bistec | steak |
el filete | tenderloin steak |
los camarones | shrimp |
el cordero | lamb |
la langosta | lobster |
el lechón | pork, pig |
el pavo | turkey |
el arroz | rice |
los frijoles | beans |
la sopa | soup |
el cereal | cereal |
la mantequilla | butter |
la mermelada | jam |
el pan | bread |
el yogur | yogurt |
el queso | cheese |
las zanahorias | carrots |
la pimienta | pepper |
la sal | salt |
el postre | desert |
el helado | ice cream |
la torta helada | ice cream cake |
la botella | bottle |
vino tinto | red wine |
el vaso | glass |
la copa | wine glass |
la taza | cup |
el plato | plate |
el cuchillo | knife |
la cuchara | spoon |
el tenedor | fork |
el mantel | tablecloth |
la servilleta | serviette |
el botones | bellhop |
la cuenta | cheque, bill |
excelente | excellent |
favorito (-a) | favorite |
asado (-a) | roasted |
helado (-a) | iced, ice cold |
medio (-a) | half |
relleno (-a) | stuffed |
sabroso (-a), rico (-a) | tasty, delicious |
privado (-a) | private |
de postre | desert |
acabar de (+ infinitive) | to have just ... |
cenar | to eat dinner |
pasar | to happen |
conocer | to meet |
contar (o:ue) | to tell |
probar (o:ou) | to try, to taste |
cocinar | to cook |
intentar | to attempt |
planear | to plan |
Uses of Ser and Estar: Part II
The uses of ser and estar are often a source of confusion, so let's review when each is used. | |
Uses of Ser: | |
Uses of Estar: | |
Here are some more examples of ser and estar in action. | |
Soy médico. | I'm a doctor. |
Mi casa es verde. | My house is green. |
Son los dos. | It's 2 o'clock. |
Hoy es lunes. | Today is Monday. |
Mis platos son de Korea. | My plates are from (were made in) Korea. |
Tu camisa es azul. | Your shirt is blue. |
Carlos es muy alto. | Carlos is very tall. |
El examen es largo. | The exam is long. |
Ellos son divertidos. | They are funny. |
Él es nerviosa. | He is nervous. (a nervous person) |
Pedro está en Madrid. | Pedro is in Madrid. |
Estoy cansado. | I am tired. |
El banco está cerrada. | The bank is closed. |
Él está nerviosa. | He is nervous. (nervous right now) |
Juanita es una estudiante. | Juanita is a student. |
Es la una. | It's one o'clock. |
Hoy es jueves. | Today is Thursday. |
Mi coche es japonés. | My car is Japanese. |
Ellos son los niños de Juan, y están enfermos. | They are Juan's sons, and they are sick. |
Ellos son los niños de Juan, y son inteligente. | They are Juan's sons, and they are intelligent. |
Las vegetales son buenos. | Vegetables are good. |
Las vegetales están frescas hoy. | The vegetables are fresh today. |
Affirmative and Negative Words
algo | something |
nada | nothing |
alguien | someone, somebody, anybody |
nadie | no one, nobody |
alguno (-a), algún | any, some |
ninguno (-a), ningún | none |
siempre | always |
alguna vez | ever |
nunca, jamás | never |
también | also |
tampoco | neither |
todavía, aún | still |
todavía no | not yet |
ya | already |
ya no | not yet |
o | or |
ni | nor |
o... o | either... or |
ni... ni | neither... nor |
Possession can be indicated in several ways in Spanish. The simplest way to denote possession is using de, in the same way one might use of to denote possession in English. | |
Possession can also be denoted using el/la/los/las de, much as in English, possession may be denoted with that of or those of. | |
Lastly, possession may be denoted with the possessive pronouns. The possessive pronouns in English are mine, yours, his, etc. Their equivalents in Spanish are el mio, el tuyo, el suyo, etc. All of the Spanish possessive pronouns are listed below. It is important to note that the possessive pronouns have several forms depending on gender and number. The choice of form is based on the gender and number of the object possessed, not the possessor. The form suyo can be ambiguous if the possessor is not obvious from the context of the rest of the sentance. If the possessor cannot be easily determined, the possessive pronoun should be omited, and possession should be denoted using de in one of the above forms. | |
el de ... | that (masc.) of ... |
la de ... | that (fem.) of ... |
los de ... | those (masc. pl.) of ... |
las de ... | those (fem. pl.) of ... |
el mío/la mía | mine (singular possession) |
los míos/las mías | mine (multiple possessions) |
el tuyo/la tuya | yours (fam.) (singular possession) |
los tuyos/las tuyas | yours (fam.) (multiple possessions) |
el suyo/la suya | yours (form.)/his/hers (singular possession) |
los suyos/las suyas | yours (form.)/his/hers (multiple possessions) |
el nuestro/la nuestra | ours (singular possession) |
los nuestros/las nuestras | ours (multiple possessions) |
el vuestro/la vuestra | yours (fam. pl.) (singular possession) |
los vuestros/las vuestras | yours (fam. pl.) (multiple possessions) |
el suyo/la suya | yours (form. pl.)/theirs (singular possession) |
los suyos/las suyas | yours (form. pl.)/theirs (multiple possessions) |
posted by Unknown at
9:47 am
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