Spanish Lesson 07
Monday, September 20, 2004
Learn Spanish
el turismo | tourism |
las vacaciones | vacations |
el viaje | trip |
el aeropuerto | airport |
el vuelo | flight |
el pasaje, el billete | ticket (for a plane, bus, etc.) |
el pasaje de ida | one way ticket |
el pasaje de ida y vuelta | return ticket |
la reservación, la reserva | reservation |
el asiento de pasillo | aisle seat |
el asiento de ventanilla | window seat |
el retraso, el atraso | delay |
el cuarto, la habitación | room |
la llave | key |
el ancesor, el elevador | elevator |
el jabón | soap |
el servicio de habitación | room service |
la toalla | towel |
con vista a | overlooking |
la tarjeta postal | postcard |
la oficina | office |
la oficina de turismo | office of tourism |
el pasaporte | passport |
la aduana | customs |
la embajada | embassy |
la información | information |
el (la) inspector (-a) | inspector |
el registro | register |
el lugar | place |
lugares de intrés | places of interest |
tener lugar | to take place |
el beso | kiss |
la verdad | truth |
listo (-a) | ready |
juntos (-as) | together |
largo (-a) | long |
¿A cómo está el cambio de modeda? | What is the exchange rate. |
la lista de espera | waiting list |
la tarjeta de turista | tourist card |
la cámera de video | video camera |
algo | something, anything |
antes | before |
nada más | nothing more |
por | per, for |
por aquí | around here |
cancelar | to cancel |
confirmar | to confirm |
tener algo que declarar | to have something to declare |
pasar | to spend time |
pasar por | to pass by |
aceptar | to accept |
comprar | to buy |
declarar | to declare |
firmar | to sign |
llegar | to arrive |
mostrar (o:ue), enseñar | to show |
tomar | to take, (also to drink) |
anotar | to write down, to note |
dejar | to leave behind |
pagar | to pay |
costar (o:ue) | to cost |
preguntar | to ask (a question) |
el mío, la mía, los míos, las mías | mine |
Stem Changing Verbs, e:ie
Some Spanish verb stems change when the verb is conjugated. The stem-changing verbs are marked in the vocabulary with an i:ie, o:ue, or e:i, depending on the form of the stem change. Verbs with the e:ie stem change are conjugated in the present indicative with the stem change taking place in all forms except the first person plural and second person plural forms. | |
Examples of e:ie stem-changing verbs are: comenzar (to begin), empezar (to begin), preferir (to prefer), querer (to want), cerrar (to close), entender (to understand), pensar (to think), perder (to lose). | |
comienzo | I begin |
comienzes | you begin |
comienza | you (form.) begin, he/she begins |
comenzamos | we begin |
comenzáis | you (fam. pl.) begin |
comienzan | you (form. pl.)/they begin |
prefiero | I prefer |
prefieres | you prefer |
prefiere | you (form.) prefer, he/she prefers |
preferimos | we prefer |
preferéis | you (fam. pl.) prefer |
prefieren | you (form. pl.)/they prefer |
Stem Changing Verbs, o:ue
Stem changing verbs of the o:ue form are conjugated in the present indicative much as the e:ie verbs: with the stem change taking place in all but the first person plural and second person plural forms. | |
Examples of o:ue stem-changing verbs are: poder (to be able to), costar (to cost), contar (to tell), dormir (to sleep), morir (to die), doler (to hurt). | |
puedo | I can |
puedes | you can |
puede | you (form.) can, he/she can |
podemos | we can |
podéis | you (fam. pl.) can |
pueden | you (form. pl.)/they can |
cuento | I tell |
cuentas | you tell |
cuenta | you (form.) tell, he/she tells |
contamos | we tell |
contáis | you (fam. pl.) tell |
cuentan | you (form. pl.)/they tell |
Stem Changing Verbs, e:i
Stem changing verbs of the e:i form are again conjugated with all forms except the first person plural and second person plural forms taking the stem change. | |
Examples of e:i stem-changing verbs are: pedir (to ask for, to request), servir (to serve), repetir (to repeat), impedir (to prevent), elegir (to choose, to elect). | |
pido | I ask/request |
pides | you ask/request |
pide | you (form.) request, he/she requests |
pedimos | we request |
pedís | you (fam. pl.) request |
piden | you (form. pl.)/they request |
sirvo | I serve |
sirves | you serve |
sirve | you (form.) serve, he/she serves |
servimos | we serve |
servís | you (fam. pl.) serve |
sirven | you (form. pl.)/they serve |
Comparisons of Inequality
Comparisons of inequality are made using the construction | |
Ella es más alta que yo. | She is taller than I. |
Pedro habla menos rápidamente que Carlos. | Pedro speaks less fast than Carlos. |
Leo más que mis amigos. | I read more than my friends. |
Tu libro es menos interesante que el mío. | Your book is less interesting than mine. |
Comparisons of Equality
In English, comparisons of equality are made using constructions of the form: | |
Comparisons of equality using adverbs or adjectives are translated into Spanish as: | |
The comparisons of equality for nouns are translated into Spanish as: | |
tan + adverb/adjective + como + noun | as adverb/adjective como noun |
tanto/tanta + noun + como + noun | as much + noun + as + noun |
tantos/tantas + noun + como + noun | as many + noun + as + noun |
Juanita es tan inteligente como Linda. | Juanita is as intelligent as Linda. |
Tengo tantos libros como Ud. | I has as many books as you (form.). |
Él tiene tanto dinero como ella. | He has as much money as her. |
Su trabajo es tan difícil como el mío. | His job is as difficult as mine. |
Su casa está tan cerca de la universidad como la mía. | His house is as close to the university as mine. |
The Superlative
The superlative is used in forms such as: the fastest, the most well-known, the least intelligent. In Spanish, the superlative uses más + adjective or menos + adjective to express the superlative form. | |
la avenida más conocido de San Francisco | the most well-known avenue in San Francisco |
el hombre menos inteligente del mundo | the least intelegent man in the world |
los libros más famosos de Canadá | the most famous books in Canada |
la ciudad más grande de Europa | the largest city in Europe |
Some Irregular Comparative Forms
A few of the most common comparative forms are irregular. Memorize the following list of the various comparative forms for good, bad, big and small. | |
bueno | good (adjective) |
bien | well, good (adverb) |
mejor | better |
el (la) mejor | the best |
malo | bad (adjective) |
mal | poorly, bad (adverb) |
peor | worse |
el (la) peor | the worst |
grande | big |
mayor | bigger |
el (la) mayor | the biggest |
pequeño (-a) | small |
menor | smaller |
el (la) menor | the smallest |
posted by Unknown at
9:58 am
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