
Spanish Pronoun Practice

Friday, June 05, 2015

Direct Object Pronouns

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
Used to replace who or what the verb acts on. e.g. Paul took it. Come before the verb, or attached to back of infinitive or progressive.
me me
te you
lo/la he/she/it
nos us
los/las they
La como. I eat it.
Juan lo ve. Juan sees it.
Los tenemos. We have it.
Lo comería pero... I would eat it, but...
Pedro lo tuve ayer. Pedro had it yesterday.
Ella la encontró en Nueva York. She found her in New York.
Carlos los tiene. Carlos has them (masc.).
Las flores? María las tiene. The flowers? Maria has them.
Mateo la invitó. Mateo invited her.
María y Pedro lo escribieron el año pasado. Maria and Pedro wrote it last year.
Juan la está llamando. (Juan está llamándola.) Juan is calling her.
Ella la rompó ayer. She broke it (fem.) yesterday.
¿Lo llevas? You carried it (masc.)?
El la interrumpió hace diez minutos. He interrupted her ten minutes ago.
Él lo montaba. He used to ride it.
Lo voy a robar. (Voy a robarlo.) I am going to steal it.
Los compras. You buy them (masc.).
Ellos la quieren. They love it (fem.).
Él la vio martes. He saw her Tuesday.
La esperamos. You are waiting for it (fem.).
Lo oí. I heard him.
Quién la conoce Who knows her.
Te necesito. I need you.
Él lo va a vender hoy. (Él va a venderlo hoy.) He is going to sell it today.
Carlos lo leó la semana pasada. Carlos read it last week.
Lo voy a hacer pronto. (Voy a hacerlo pronto.) I'm going to do it soon.
Ya lo hice. I already did it.
Lo haría, pero esto cansada. I would do it, but I'm tired.
Lo hacía, pero no más. I used to do it, but not any more.
Lo están haciendo mal. They are doing it wrong.

Indirect Object Pronouns

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
Tells where the direct object is going. They answer the questions: To whom? or For whom?. Sometimes you still have to use the indirect object if the meaning is not clear. E.g. a Juanita. Often found with: comprar, contar, dar, decir, escribir, mandar, mostrar, pedir, regalar, servir, traer, hacer, encantar, faltar, facinar, gustar, hacer falta, importar, interesar, quedar, sobrar, etc.
me me
te you
le he/she/it
nos us
les them
A ella le compro un libro. I buy her a book.
Ella le da el dinero a Juan. She gives the money to him (Juan).
No le tiró la pelota. He didn't throw the ball to him.
A ellos les conté una historia. I told them a story.
Miguel nos va a sirvir las bebidas. Miguel is going to serve us the drinks.
Ceclia nunca me dió un gato. Cecilia never gave me a cat.
Carlos me pedía para parar. Carlos asked me to stop.
Nos está trayendo el dinero. He is bringing us the money.
Nos contáron una secreto. They told us a secret.
Nos contaban todo. They used to tell us everything.
Juan te compró un regalo. Juan bought you a present.
Carla me dió flores. Carla gave me flowers.
Ella les escribío a sus hermanas una carta. She wrote a card to her sisters.
Me dijó algo interestante. He told me something interesting.
Te mostró su carro. He showed you his car.
Ella me hace el almuerzo cada dia. She makes me lunch every day.
Me importa la escuela. School is important to me.
Te gusta. I like you. (You're pleasing to me.)
Nos facinan las matimáticas. We are facinated by math.
Me faltó el dinero que necesitaron. I lacked the money they needed.
Me gustaría algo frío. I would like something cold.
Juan se gustaba la torta helado. Juan used to like ice cream cake.
Te mostraría el libro, pero no lo encuentro. I would show you the book, but I can't find it.
Te daría el vestido, pero no es el mío. I would give you the dress, but it's not mine.
Dime si te hago falta. Tell me if you need me. (Tell me if you lack me.)
A Ana le quedan veinte pesos. Ana has twenty pesos left.
A ellos les entusiasma viajar. They are enthusiastic about travel.
Nos gusta el arte. We like art.
Nos gustan los pintores. We like paintors
Mi novia y yo nos gustamos. My girlfriend an I like each other. (like ourselves.)

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns Used Together

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
Lo te daría, pero no es el mío. I would give it (masc.) to you, but it's not mine.

Reflexive Pronouns

Practice: Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle
me me
te you
se he/she/it
nos us
se them
Me lavo. I wash myself.
Me lavo el pelo. I wash my hair.

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