
Spanish Lesson 02

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Learn Spanish


Practice: < Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle >
aat, to
enin, on
deof, from
la mañanamorning
el mediodíamidday
la tardeafternoon
la nocheevening, night
mañana por la mañanatommorrow morning (no definite time)
a las ocho de la mañanaat eight in the morning (definite time)
el desayunobreakfast
el almuerzolunch
la cenadinner
las padresparents
el padrefather
la madremother
los hijoschildren
el hijoson
la hijadaughter
el esposohusband
la esposawife
el hermanobrother
la hermanasister
el perro/la perradog
el gato/la gatacat
alto (-a)tall
bajo (-a)short
bonito (-a), guapo (-a)pretty
feo (-a)ugly
delgado (-a)thin
gordo (-a)fat
caro (-a)expensive
contento (-a)happy
bueno (-a)good
hermoso (-a)handsome
moreno (-a)brunette
rubio (-a)blonde
pelirrojo (-a)red-headed
el hombreman
la mujerwoman
el besokiss
la casahouse, home
la escuelaschool
el examenexam
haythere is, there are
serto be
¿adónde?where?, to where?
¿por qué?why?
¿cúal?what? which?
¿cuántos (-as)?how many?

Present Indicative of the Verb Ser

Practice: < Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle >

The verb ser means to be. In Spanish, there are two verbs that translate as to be, ser and estar. The differences will be discussed later, but shown below are some examples of the use of ser, including nationality, permanent qualites of people or objects, and occupation.

Ser is an irregular verb. It's form must therefore be memorized.

Because Ud., él, and ella have the same conjugation, they are often grouped together in congugation tables. The same goes for Uds., ellos, and ellas.

In many cases, you will see the subject pronoun is not used in Spanish. Because the conjugation form of the verb is unique for most subject pronouns, it is often only included for clarification or to stress who the subject of the verb actually is.

The present indicative is used in constructions such as I am running, I run, or I do run.

yo soyI am
tú eresyou are
él/ella/usted eshe/she is, you (form.) are
nosotros somoswe are
vosotros soisyou (pl.) are
ellos/ellas/ustedes sonthey (masc.)/they (fem.)/you (pl.) are
Soy de Londres.I am from London.
Él es Americano.He is American.
Ellos son altos.They are tall.
Paco y Carlos son Chileanos.Paco and Carlos are Chilean.
Julia y yo somos estudiantes.Julia and I are students.


Practice: < Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle >

To negate a sentance in Spanish, add a no before the verb. For example: Él no es Cubano.

Ellos no son altos.They are not tall.
Paco y Carlos no son Americanos.Paco and Carlos are not American.
Profesor Rey no es rubio.Professor Rey is not blonde.

Telling Time

Practice: < Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle >

Telling time is a good use of the verb ser. To tell the time use either: es la una or son las dos/tres/cuatro... Note that es la is only used if it is followed by one.

To say five past ten, use diez y cinco. To say five to ten, use diez menos cinco.

¿Qué hora es?What time is it?
Es la una.It's one o'clock.
Es la una y media.It's one thirty.
Es la una y cuarto.It's quarter past one.
Es la una y cuarenta.It's one fourty.
Es la una menos cinco.It's five to one.
Son las dos.It's two o'clock.
Son las cuatro y media.It's four thirty.
Son las siete y cuarto.It's quarter past seven.
Son las siete menos cuarto.It's quarter to seven.
Es la una y treinta y tres.It's one thirty-three.
Son las tres menos diez.It's ten to three.
Son las doce y media.It's twelve thirty.

More Numbers

Practice: < Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle >

The numbers beyond thirty are all pretty regular. A few things to watch out for though, note that y is not used after the hundreds or thousands as the English one hundred and twenty. After one hundred, ciento is used in place of cien which is only used for an even one hundred. The -o on ciento changes to -a when refering to feminine nouns.

treinta y unothirty-one
treinta y dosthirty-two
treinta y tresthirty-three
cuarenta y unofourty-one
cienone hundred
ciento unoone hundred and one
ciento dosone hundred and two
doscientostwo hundred
trescientosthree hundred
cuatrocientosfour hundred
quinientosfive hundred
seiscientossix hundred
setecientosseven hundred
ochocientoseight hundred
novecientosnine hundred
milone thousand
sesenta y cincosixty-five
cuarenta y nuevefourty-nine
treinta y ochothirty-eight
ciento setenta y unoone hundred and seventy-one
quinientos tresfive hundred and three
dos cientos librostwo hundred books
dos cientas plumastwo hundred pens
cuatrocientos noventa y cincofour hundred and ninety-five

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