Spanish Miscellaneous 00
Sunday, July 25, 2004
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las medias | socks (L.Am.) |
encerrar (e:ie) | to lock in, to contain |
cultivar | to grow, to raise |
intuir | to have a sense of, to have a feeling for |
castigar | to punish |
insinuar | to insinuate |
referirse (a) (e:ie) | to refer (to) |
ansioso (-a) | anxious |
en fin... | so anyhow... |
freír | to fry |
agregar | to add |
atractivo | attractive |
poderoso (-a) | powerful |
consiguiente | resulting |
el mantenimiento | maintenance |
seguro, cómo no | sure (ladle it) |
la infanta | princess |
atento | thoughtful |
socavar | to undermine |
penar | to punish |
destruir | to destroy |
averiguar | to find out |
concluir | to conclude |
el infarto cardíaco | heart attack |
atribuir | to attribute |
marcar | to dial, mark |
cocer | to cook |
el chantaje | blackmail |
o sea | you know, ummm, or huh? |
el sueldo | salary |
ofender(se) | to offend (get offended) |
idiota | idiot |
inefable | indescribable |
la prensa | press |
gemir (e:i) | to groan |
sí quiero | I do (marraige vow) |
seguir la pista | to follow the lead |
Es el colmo | that's too much, (he went to far) |
indicar | to indicate |
la pandilla | gang |
maquillarse la cara | to put on one's makeup |
resolver (o:ue) | to solve |
embarcarse | to embark |
la asignación | allowance |
el poliéster | polyester |
es que | sentence starter |
tragar | to swallow |
si hemos do emprender | if they are to undertake |
el saco, la chaqueta | jacket |
contribuir | to contribute |
cortar el césped | to mow the lawn |
Con todo, ... | Yet, ... |
presumido | show off |
encargar | to put in charge |
maléfico | ne'er do well |
ofrecer (yo ofrezco) | to offer (I offer) |
la cáscara | rind, peel |
los comensales | guests at a meal |
atar, desatar | to tie, to untie |
corregir (e:i) | to correct |
apretar (e:ie) | to be tight, to squeeze |
instalar(se) | to install (move in) |
concluir | to conclude |
el plátano | banana |
Por lo que se refiere al Algarve... | As for Algarve... |
hallar | to find |
el modismo | idiom |
espiar | to spy |
la fachada | facade |
Es importante/necesario/posible... | It's important/necessary/possible... |
el ajedres | chess |
deslizar | to slide |
repleto (-a) | filled |
la prisión | imprisonment |
entusiasmar(se) | to excite (get excited) |
posted by Unknown at
4:34 pm
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