
Spanish Miscellaneous 00

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Learn Spanish


Practice: < Recognition | Recall | None | Shuffle >
las mediassocks (L.Am.)
encerrar (e:ie)to lock in, to contain
cultivarto grow, to raise
intuirto have a sense of, to have a feeling for
castigarto punish
insinuarto insinuate
referirse (a) (e:ie)to refer (to)
ansioso (-a)anxious
en anyhow...
freírto fry
agregarto add
poderoso (-a)powerful
el mantenimientomaintenance
seguro, cómo nosure (ladle it)
la infantaprincess
socavarto undermine
penarto punish
destruirto destroy
averiguarto find out
concluirto conclude
el infarto cardíacoheart attack
atribuirto attribute
marcarto dial, mark
cocerto cook
el chantajeblackmail
o seayou know, ummm, or huh?
el sueldosalary
ofender(se)to offend (get offended)
la prensapress
gemir (e:i)to groan
sí quieroI do (marraige vow)
seguir la pistato follow the lead
Es el colmothat's too much, (he went to far)
indicarto indicate
la pandillagang
maquillarse la carato put on one's makeup
resolver (o:ue)to solve
embarcarseto embark
la asignaciónallowance
el poliésterpolyester
es quesentence starter
tragarto swallow
si hemos do emprenderif they are to undertake
el saco, la chaquetajacket
contribuirto contribute
cortar el céspedto mow the lawn
Con todo, ...Yet, ...
presumidoshow off
encargarto put in charge
maléficone'er do well
ofrecer (yo ofrezco)to offer (I offer)
la cáscararind, peel
los comensalesguests at a meal
atar, desatarto tie, to untie
corregir (e:i)to correct
apretar (e:ie)to be tight, to squeeze
instalar(se)to install (move in)
concluirto conclude
el plátanobanana
Por lo que se refiere al Algarve...As for Algarve...
hallarto find
el modismoidiom
espiarto spy
la fachadafacade
Es importante/necesario/posible...It's important/necessary/possible...
el ajedreschess
deslizarto slide
repleto (-a)filled
la prisiónimprisonment
entusiasmar(se)to excite (get excited)

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