Spanish Miscellaneous 01
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
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mudarse | to move, change residence |
encender el fuego | to turn on the flame |
la viga | beam (eg. steel) |
detener (conj. like tener) | to contain |
tranquilarzarse | to calm down |
pinacotecas | art museums |
prender | to turn on |
emplear | to use, to employ (in use) |
el desarollo | development |
tardar en llegar | to take long to arrive |
suicidarse | to commit suicide |
reunirse con | to get together with |
irritar | to irritate |
impregnar | to fill, to pervade |
coger | to grab, to catch |
lo mejor es que | the best thing is |
proponer (conj. like poner) | to propose |
quejarse de | to complain about |
exasperar(se) | to exasperate (get exasperated) |
aunar | to combine |
quedarse con | to keep, to hold onto |
la pimienta picante | hot pepper |
comprometerse | to get engaged |
lanzar | to throw |
deslizarse | to slip |
lo increíble es que | the amazing thing is |
granizar | to hail |
estar a punto de + infinitive | to be about |
eso sí que no | that's out of the question |
bajo | low-life |
el cubierto | place setting |
a propósito | by the way, in reference to that |
¡Qué barbaridad! | Good god, (something bad happened) |
dictar un seminario | to give a seminar |
costear | to pay for |
oponerse a | to oppose |
acustar(se) | to frighten (get frightened) |
correr con los gastos | to pay the bill |
por eso... | for that reason... |
tratarse de | to be about, to be a question of |
¿Cómo? | I beg your frikin' pardon? |
la respuesta | answer |
empujar | to push |
Cuídate | Take it easy |
los novios | bride and groom |
el tallista de madera | word carver |
estar por + infinitive | to be inclined to |
Hazte pa'llá | Scoot over |
rezar | to pray |
crecer (yo crezco) | to grow (I grow) |
andar | to walk |
apoyar | to support |
asfixiarse | to suffocate |
equivocarse | to be mistaken |
distraer (conj. like traer) | to distract |
¿Qué me cuentas?, ¿Qué me dices? | What can you tell me? |
payaso | clown, fool |
la tonelada | ton |
lo peor es que | the worst thing is |
detener(se) | to bring to a halt (come to a halt) |
realizar | to fulfill |
despedirse (e:i) | to say goodbye to |
impedir (e:i) | to prevent |
a cargo de uno | to be in one's charge |
la lana | wool |
reanudar | to resume |
el litoral | coast |
negarse a (e:ie) | to refuse to |
establecer (yo establezco) | to establish (I establish) |
la trama | plot |
agasajar | to receive warmly |
no me importa | Dosn't bother me |
el libre mercado | free market |
¿De dónde es Ud.? | Where are you from? |
felicitar | to congratulate |
posted by Unknown at
1:44 pm
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