Palabras Desde el Túnel, Capítulo VI a X
Monday, August 09, 2004
Learn Spanish
Capítulo VI
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
amontonar | to accumulate |
desechar | to reject |
grosero | crude |
la suelta | (the) release |
mezcladas | mixed |
la rompecabeza | jig-saw puzzle |
atinar | to hit upon |
vacilar | to vacate |
el gusano | worm |
ciego | blind |
torpe | clumsy |
audaz | audacious |
abarcar | to include |
sencillez | simplicity |
suceder | to happen |
sonrojarse | to blush |
atinar | to be right |
atropelladamente | hastily |
asustar | to scare |
balbucear | to stammer |
aflojarse | to loosen |
el mundo se me venía abajo | the world was collapsing |
eficaz | effective |
mudo | dumb, mute |
agarrarse | to hold on |
lentitud | slowness |
Capítulo VII
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
de nuevo | again |
acaso | perhaps |
y ella no se veía por ningún lado | and she was nowhere to be seen |
la vaga esperanza | the faint hope |
asomarse | to show itself |
juzgar | to judge |
factible | feasible |
el bienestar | well-being |
a la ligera | quickly |
dí unas vueltas por el corridor | I walked up and down the corridor |
encender un cigarello | to light a cigarette |
la gestión | management |
desencontrárse conmigo | to fail to meet with me |
de modo que | so that |
como se infería | as it were infered |
ralear | to become thin, sparse |
Capítulo VII
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
deprimir | to get depressed |
el hervidero | swarm |
trastornado | upset |
aferrarse | to cling |
latir | to bark |
desencadenarse | to break loose, to burst |
Capítulo IX
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
restar | to take away, to reduce |
el subterráneo | subway (Argentina) |
la mente | (the) mind |
férreo | fierce, determined |
inusitado | rare |
dispuesto a todo | ready for anything |
arrastándola | stopping it |
agregar | to add |
la rama | (the) branch |
ella huyó, huir | she fled, to flee |
fijar | to fix |
prometer | to promise |
escrutar | to scrutinize |
lejano | distant |
castaño | chestnut (coloured) |
la cana | grey hair |
apretar la boca | to tighten the lips |
la arruga | wrinkle, crease |
musitar | to mumble |
la ramita | small branch |
al cabo de un buen rato | after a good while |
el dibujo | (the) drawing |
razonar | to reason |
quejarse | to complain |
andar por mal camino | to be on the wrong track |
adelante | forward |
estoy caminando a tientas | I'm groping in the dark |
callar | to shut up |
¿sería eso, verdaderamente? | Was that really it? |
elogiable | praisable |
reponer | to replace |
su mirada se clavó en mí | she fixed here glaze on me |
duro | hard |
ablandar | to moderate |
Capítulo X
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
quedamos vernos pronto | we agreed to get together soon |
la laguna | lagoon |
... que me produjo un vuelco | ... that startled me |
acá | here |
golpear | to strike |
alcancé a decir | I managed to say |
posted by Unknown at
8:52 am
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