Spanish Miscellaneous 03
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
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dirigir | to direct |
arrogante | arrogant |
la Pascua | Easter |
la vivienda | housing |
luego | later, and then |
el afán | eagerness |
seres humanos | human beings |
la reanudación | renewal |
imponer (like poner) | to impose |
cansar | to tire (someone) |
fijarse (en) | to notice |
el aguacate | avocado |
conste | I'll hold you to that |
jactarse de | to boast about |
la casa de campo | country house |
lo bueno es que | the good thing is |
influir | to influence |
limarse las uñas | to file one's nails |
dedicarse | to devote oneself |
actuar | to act |
el hueso | bone |
la pelota | ball |
consigo | with it |
gozar | to enjoy |
el riñone | kidney |
¿Cómo es Ud.? | What are you like? What do you look like? |
variar | to vary |
menos mal (que) | just as well (that) |
la verdad es que | truth is |
acertar (e:ie) | to guess right, to be on target |
enfermar | to make ill |
reclamar | to demand |
la fortaleza | fortress |
el cantero | stonemason |
detallar | to detail |
involucrar | to involve |
picar | to chop |
¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? | What is today's date? |
el baúl | trunk (of a car) |
el enlace | marriage |
el consorcio | consortium, association |
grabar | to record |
la inscripción | registation |
desafiar | to defy |
desplomar | to collapse |
huir | to flee |
el aislante | insulator |
fingir | to pretend |
la ventaja | advantage |
huir | to flee |
es una pena | it's a pain |
desalojar | to evacuate |
ponerse de acuerdo | to come to an agreement |
toser | to cough |
medir (e:i) | to measure |
la cifra | figure |
cargar | to load |
correr(se) | to move an object (move over) |
a ver (qué/si)... | let's see (what/if)... |
poseer | to have, to possess |
el castillo | castle |
obligar | to force |
la realeza | royalty |
obedecer (yo obedezco) | to obey (I obey) |
los allegados | entourage |
ahogarse | to drown |
desabrocharse (desamarrarse, desatarse) los cordones | to untie one's shoelaces |
la dramaturgia | dramatic art |
reír(se) (e:i) | to laugh |
alegre | happy, outgoing |
ls caridad | charity |
volcar(se) (o:ue) | to knock over (get knocked down) |
¿No qué no? | I told you so |
apagar | to put out, to extinguish |
cargar | to load |
posted by Unknown at
1:48 pm
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