Palabras Desde el Túnel, Capítulo I a V
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Learn Spanish
Capítulo I
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
bastará | it will be enough |
suponer | to suppose |
quizá | perhaps |
la frase | phrase |
desde luego | of course |
semejante | similar |
así | thus |
el rostro | face |
temeroso | afraid |
alumbrar | to illuminate |
la vergüenza | shame |
aplastar | to squash |
el rincón | corner |
el taller | factory |
pernicioso | pernicious, destructive |
liquidar | to eliminate |
y se acabó | and that's that |
destilando su veno | distilling his poison |
contrarrestar | to resist |
la maledicenicia | insult |
bajeza | vileness |
Capítulo II
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
aprovechar | to take advantage of |
como decía | as I said |
el alma | the soul |
prever | to anticipate |
el rato | short while |
al fin de cuentas | after all |
la uña | fingernail |
exigir | to demand |
mezquino | stingy, miserable |
sucio | dirty, shady |
pérfido | trecherous |
desprovisto | lacking |
sutil | subtle |
la soberbia | pride |
argumentar | to argue |
la bondad | kindness |
la abnegación | self-denial |
me desesperaba | it was hopeless to me |
reconfortante | comforting |
sutilísimo | subtlest |
el orgullo | pride |
lograr | to obtain |
la ternura | tenderness |
el cansancio | fatigue |
¿Se dan cuenta de lo que quiero decir? | Do you see what I mean? |
Capítulo III
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
cómo la conocí | how I knew her (him/it) |
por su culpa | because of her |
muchos otros anteriores | many others before |
la tela | fabric |
sugerir | to suggest |
fijar | to fix |
pasaban la mirada por encima | they glanced over it |
desconocido | unknown, stranger |
aislada | isolated |
entero | whole, entire |
vacilar | to vacillate |
algo así como | something as well as |
podría no verla más | might not ever see her again |
colocar | to place |
en cierto modo | in a certain way |
Capítulo IV
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
la vereda | sidewalk, path |
reconocer | recognize |
minuciosamente | meticulously |
la actitud | attitude |
tropezar | to trip, to stumble |
les tuve mucha envidia | I envied them very much |
el mujeriego | womanizer |
resignarse a hacer algo | to resign oneself to doing something |
ajena | another, (another person, place, thing) |
condenar | to condemn |
repentino | sudden |
atolondramiento | overwhelmed |
solía ir a ... | used to go to ... |
no resultaría demasiado complicado | it wouldn't be too hard |
a propósito | about |
el detalle | detail |
me daría la razón | he would say I was right |
quemar | to burn |
vacilar | to hesitate |
valer la pena | to be worth |
el rasgo | feature |
la mera manía | simple mania |
obedecer | to obey |
la cofradía | brotherhood, fraternity |
el gremio | guild, association |
el bicho | bug, small-animal, derogatory term |
la cantidad | amount, quantity |
la jerga | jargon |
de una vez por todas | once and for all |
guiñar un ojo | to wink an eye |
torcer la boca | to turn the mouth |
el rasgo | feature |
el gesto | gesture |
depremir | to get depressed |
algo parecido me sucede | somethin similar happens to me |
la jerga | slang |
verdadero | true |
sufrir | to suffer |
el desengaño | disillusionment |
oculto | hidden |
la chifladura | nonsense |
despectivo | scornful |
el cajón | drawer |
la cortesía | courtesy |
poner cara de admiración | to feign admiration |
a raís de | soon after |
el manicomio | asylum |
la rodierra | knee-pad |
... y ... a la vez | ... and ... at the same time |
no acertaba a dar con la causa de ... | I couldn't quite understand the reason for ... |
encerado | waxed |
reluciente | shining |
a fondo | thoroughly |
la plaga | plague |
el cirujano | surgeon |
el bisturí | scalpel |
entablillar | to (put in a) splint |
se ría de ... | one laughs at ... |
el consejo | advise |
Capítulo V
Practice: <
Recognition |
Recall |
None |
Shuffle >
si le da la gana | if the mood strikes him |
el alegato | indictment, statement |
la ceguera | blindness |
el encargado | person in charge |
me eché gozosamente en brazos de ... | I gladly surrendered to ... |
desdeñar | to disdain |
común | common, mutual |
el azar, por azar | chance, by chance |
así y así | such and such |
desechar | to throw out |
descabellado | crazy, wild |
exponer | to exhibit, display |
el conocido | acquaintance |
a la vez | at the same time |
descartar | to rule out, reject |
callejero | street |
no quedaba sino ... | the only thing that remained was ... |
jounada | day |
inicial | initial |
locuaz | talkative |
dicharachero | witty |
parco | of few words |
risueño | cheerful |
malograrse | to fail |
reprocharse | to repoach oneself |
juzgar | to judge |
la amargura | bitterness |
la torpeza | clumsiness |
fructífero | fruitful, productive |
estribar | to lie in, to come from |
vincular | to link, to bind |
alejado | remote |
el ajetreo | hustle and bustle |
eficaz | effective |
fríamente | cooly |
a boca de jarro | point-blank |
el desaliento | discouragement |
portentoso | marvellous |
antemano | in advance, beforehand |
enrevesado | complex, difficult |
mezclabar | to mix |
el ajedrez | chess |
a menudo | often |
desalentador | causes discouragment |
barajar | to shuffle |
posted by Unknown at
4:23 pm
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