Spanish Miscellaneous 04
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
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el encarecimiento | rise, increase in price |
proteger | to protect |
al atardecer | at the end of the day |
intentar | to try |
pertenecer (yo pertenezco) | to belong (I belong) |
el pueblo | the people |
reunir | to join, to gather |
quien sea | whoever |
transladaría súbitamente | suddenly transfer |
añadir | to add |
la tercera edad | old age |
hacerse daño | to hurt oneself |
¿Verdad? | Really, Ain't that the truth |
fresco(-a) | fresh |
condenar | to condemn |
la gira | tour, excursion |
convertir (e:ie) | to convert |
quemarse | to burn |
obtener (like tener) | to obtain |
la paridad | parity (of currency) |
echarse | to lie down |
las perspectivas halagüeñas | promising prospects |
el(la) acomodador(a) | usher |
el(la) aficionado(a) a la ópera | opera fan |
el incendio | fire |
defender (e:ie) | to defend |
lejano (-a) | distant |
referirse | to refer to, to speak about |
padecer | to suffer |
ha de sumarse | it has to be added |
registrar | to note, to notice |
mascar, masticar | to chew |
tocar | to touch, to play a musical instrument |
el alcázar | citadel, fortress |
el destino | destination |
burro | donkey, dumb-bell |
relajado | laid back |
fiarse de | to trust |
sociable | sociable |
pintarse los labios | to put on lipstick |
ensayar | to try |
atraer (like traer) | to attract |
el combustible | fuel |
apagar las luces | to put out the lights |
cegar | blind |
¿En serio? | Really? Are you serious? |
sonreír(se) (e:i) | to smile |
ni loco | not even if I were crazy |
por cierto | by the way |
pintar | to paint |
la salchicha | sausage |
el almacén | department store |
contraer matrimonio | to get married |
exponer | to expose |
el código de circulación | highway code |
eligir (e:i) | to choose, to elect |
sobresaltar | to startle |
el smoking, el esmoquin | tuxedo |
el alcalde | mayor |
a mediados de | around the middle of |
enfermarse | to get ill |
arreglar | to arrange, fix up |
desenchufar los apartos eléctricos | unplug the appliances |
confiar (en) | to confine (in) |
recostarse (o:ue) | to lie down |
En tus sueños | In your dreams |
el obrero | worker |
marcar | to dial, to mark |
pedante | stuck up |
sacar la basura | to take out the garbage |
encampar, despejar | to clear up (weather) |
constar de | to consist of |
en absoluto, para nada | no way |
publicar | to publish |
el poder adquisitivo | purchasing power |
posted by Unknown at
1:41 pm
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