Spanish Miscellaneous 05
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
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la sartén | frying pan |
tirar(se) | to throw (to jump) |
barrer el suelo | to sweep the floor |
un paseo | walk, stroll |
lo chistoso es que | the funny thing is |
retener (like tener) | to retain |
despedir (e:i) | to fire |
todavía | still |
creerse... | to think one is... |
enamorarse (de) | to fall in love (with) |
alejar(se) | to move something away (move away) |
claro (que sí), ¿Cómo no? | of course |
llenar el tanque del coche | to fill the tank |
reñir | to quarrel, to scold |
traducirse | to result in, to bring about |
fiarse (de) | to trust |
el cumbre | summit |
Es un decir | It's just an expression |
el decorado | scenery |
la alcoholemia | presence of alcohol in the blood |
pues | ummmm, well then |
De acuerdo, hecho | It's a deal |
beélicos | warlike |
fumarse | to smoke |
como sea | however |
la cal | limestone |
tomar apuntes | to take notes |
mayores informes | more information |
abordar | to approach |
tronar (o:ue) impersonal | to thunder |
el maestro de obras | foreman |
el descenso | decline |
le medida | measure, step |
cumplido | reliable, dedicated |
el golpe de estado | coup d'état |
¡N'ombre! | No way! |
ma gale gorro, me vale sorbete | I couldn't give a damn |
la flor | flower |
el(la) economista | economist |
colocar | to put, to place |
encantador | charming |
fíjate (que) | look... |
la entrada en vigor | taking effect |
descender (e:ie) | to go down |
fortalecer | to fortify |
lo dificil es que | the hard thing is |
cepillarse (limpiarse) los dientes | to brush one's teeth |
el ladrón | theif |
ponerse de pie | to stand up (Sp.) |
No me diga | Don't tell me that |
arribar | to arrive |
fracasar | to fail |
la afluencia | crowd, flow |
atar | to tie |
trotar | to jog |
disfrutar | to enjoy |
amenazar | to threaten, to menace |
afligir | to afflict |
aplicar | to put into effect |
la vigilancia | vigilance, watchfulness |
figurarse | to imagine |
¿Y a mí qué? | What's it to me |
poner al horno | to put in the oven |
el(la) chantajista | blackmailer |
por desgracia | unfortunately |
distinguir | to distinguish |
¿Qué pasó? | What's happening? |
efectuarse | to take place |
¿Y? | so |
ni hablar | don't mention it, oh well, no way |
lo (más) absurdo es que | the crazy thing is |
construir | to build |
genial | clever (ideas), wild-and-crazy (people) |
avecinarse | to approach |
el pulmone | lung |
posted by Unknown at
1:48 pm
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