Spanish Miscellaneous 07
Thursday, October 07, 2004
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molestar(se) | to bother (get bothered) |
estar para + infinitive | to be about to |
acuñar | to coin |
colocar | to put, place |
Abreme espacio | Gimme some space |
apresurarse de | to hurry |
entoces | and then (as a result) |
establecer la democracia | to establish democracy |
recoger | to gather, to pick up |
el aumento | increase |
lavar la ropa | to do the laundry |
cuando sea | whenever |
lo único es que | the only thing is |
contener (like tener) | to contain |
tonto | silly (fool) |
el cinturón | belt |
lastimarse el dedo | to hurt one's finger |
educado | classy |
la licenciada, el abogado | lawyer |
fabricar | to make, to manufacture |
despierto | bright |
advertir (e:ie) | to notify, to warn |
gobernar (e:ie) | to govern |
escoger | to choose |
tropezar (i:ie) | to trip, to stumble |
entregar | to hand in, to hand over |
el charol | patent leather |
alcanzar | to reach |
la linterna | flashlight |
patinar | to skate |
merecer (yo merezco) | to deserve (I deserve) |
señalar | to point to, to indicate |
encoger | to shrink |
lastimar | to hurt |
el espesor | thickness |
sustituir | to substitute |
el abono | subway and bus pass |
aprestarse | to prepare oneself |
tarugo | block of wood |
la obra | work, piece |
hacerse tarde | to get late |
ascender (e:ie) | to go up, to promote |
crecientes desacuerdos | increasing discords |
la camiseta | T-shirt |
notabilísimo | very considerable |
colgar (o:ue) | to hang |
el encanto | charm |
el desfile | parade |
apuntarse (a/para) | to register (for), to sign up (for) |
Déjese de cuentos | Come off it |
empeñarse (en) | to insist (on), to persist (in) |
ponerse a + infinitive | to begin to + infinitive |
los bienes | goods |
el globo | balloon |
borrar | to erase |
es una broma | it's a joke |
el terciopelo | velvet |
ocuparse de | to take care of |
el orfebre | goldsmith |
desplegar | to unfold |
¿Y qué?, ¿Y eso qué? | So what? |
añadir | to add |
componer (like poner) | to compose |
halagüeño | promising, flattering |
¡Naranjas (de la China)!, ¡Mangos! | No! |
amenazar | to threaten |
emprender | to undertake |
animar(se) | to cheer (oneself) up |
lo raro es que, lo extraño es que | the strange thing is |
aparecer (yo aperezco) | to appear (I appear) |
hacer el papel de | to play the role of |
pegar | to stick, to beat |
ocultar | to hide |
helar (e:ie) impersonal | to freeze |
subrayar | to emphasize |
posted by Unknown at
9:01 am
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