Spanish Miscellaneous 02
Friday, July 30, 2004
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atreverse a | to dare |
los espárragos | asparagus |
tarado | moron |
madrugar | to get up early |
guiar | to guide |
ignorante, cretino | ignorant |
abrocharse (amarrarse, atarse) los cordones | to tie one's shoelaces |
ausentarse | to be out, to be away |
el ciclo | cycle |
los mariscos | shellfish |
la seda | silk |
aterrizar | to land |
el pulmón | lung |
da lo mismo, ¿Qué más da? | what's the difference |
parar(se) | to stop (stand up) |
encender (e:ie) | to light |
despedirse (de) (e:i) | to say goodbye (to) |
la cacerola | saucepan |
disponer (like poner) | to dispose |
echar, tirar | to throw |
No puede ser | It can't be, I'm not experiencing this |
estar de vuelta | to be back, to return |
semejante | similar |
¡Qué esperanzas! | Not on your life! |
el montaje | staging |
ansioso (-a) | anxious |
negar (i:ie) | to deny |
restringir | to restrict, to limit |
dulce | sweet |
contundente | forceful |
aproximar | to near |
la alianza | alliance |
los guisantes | peas |
arrepentirse de (e:ie) | to regret, to repent |
a diferencia de | in contrast to |
equivaler a | to be the equivalent of |
¡Imagínese! | Imagine that! |
la sede | headquarters |
está bien | okay |
las estadísticas | statistics |
la previsión | forecast |
apoderarse (de) | to take possesion (of) |
acercar(se) | to bring something closer (get closer) |
marear | to make dizzy, (get dizzy) |
ya | already |
convencer | to convince |
dibujar | to draw |
la prueba | test |
la estancia | stay |
ya basta | enough already, get outta town |
hacerse cargo de | to be responsible for |
exigir | to demand |
merendar (e:ie) | to picnic |
desaparecer (yo desaparezco) | to disappear (I disappear) |
la década | decade |
¡fíjate! | look out! |
urgir | to be urgent |
sube el telón | the curtain rises |
no es para tanto | Don't get carried away now |
el relámpago | lightning |
acercarse | to approach |
divorciarse | to get divorced |
esconder | to hide |
el envejecimiento | aging |
hervir (e:ie) | to boil |
oler (o:hue) | to smell |
apagar | to turn off |
mover(se) (o:ue) | to put in motion (to move) |
despedir (e:i) | to fire, to dismiss |
gracioso, chistoso | witty, funny |
la factura | bill |
enterarse (de) | to find out (about) |
el largo medio millón | good half a million |
el cuero | leather |
echarse a + infinitive | to begin to + infinitive |
posted by Unknown at
11:17 am
Lovely blog, thanks for sharing
Julian Kennedy, at 4:48 pm
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