Spanish Lesson 05
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Learn Spanish
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firmar | to sign |
llenar | to fill (out) |
preguntar | to ask (a question) |
quitar | to finish |
terminar | to finish, to terminate |
tratar de | to try |
vendar | to sell |
el bebé | baby |
la agencia de viajes | travel agency |
el (la) agente | agent |
la cámera | camera |
la capital | capital |
la ciudad | city |
el clima | climate |
el club | club |
el coctel | cocktail |
el coche | car |
la comida | food |
el documento | document |
la tarjeta de credito | credit card |
el taxi | taxi |
el tiempo | weather |
el viaje | trip |
la vida | life |
el apartmento | apartment |
el banco | bank |
la compañía | company |
el diccionario | dictionary |
la edad | age |
la estación | station |
la identidad | identity |
el (la) joven | young man/woman |
la lista | list |
la literatura | literature |
el lugar | place |
la llave | key |
el nombre | name |
la palabra | word |
el peine | hair |
la película | movie |
el (la) recepcionista | receptionist |
el sándwich | sandwich |
el sofá | sofa |
la tierra | earth |
la toalla | towel |
el tocadiscos | record player |
el traje | suit |
el utensilio | utensil |
el tenedor | fork |
el cuchillo | knife |
la cuchara | spoon |
el vaso | glass |
el plato | plate |
el agua | water |
el jabón | ham |
el menú, la carta | menu |
el pan | bread |
el pavo | turkey |
el postre | desert |
el té | tea |
la uva | grape |
elegente | elegent |
activo (-a) | active |
artístico (-a) | artistic |
aburrido (-a) | boring |
lleno (-a) | filled, stuffed |
necesario (-a) | necessary |
privado (-a) | private |
seguro (-a) | surely |
sólo (-a) | only |
actualmente | recently |
además | furthermore |
ayer | yesterday |
¡Caramba! | Golly! |
junto a | next to |
para | for |
sobre | over, about |
también | also |
Present Indicative of the Irregular Verb Tener
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The verb tener means to have and is one of the most important verbs you will add to your vocabulary. Many of the things that use to be in English use tener in Spanish. Tener is an irregular verb. | |
tengo | I have |
tienes | you have |
tiene | you (form.)/he/she has |
tenemos | we have |
tenéis | you (fam. pl.) have |
tienen | you (form. pl.)/they have |
Tengo dos libros. | I have two books. |
Ellos tienen un gato. | They have a cat. |
Present Indicative of the Irregular Verb Venir
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The verb venir means to come. It is an irregular verb, but it's conjugation has many similarities to tener. | |
vengo | I come |
vienes | you come |
viene | you (form.)/he/she comes |
venemos | we come |
venís | you (fam. pl.) come |
vienen | you (form. pl.)/they come |
Ellos vienen por autobus. | They come by bus. |
Tener que + Infinative
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The construction tener que + infinative can be used to say to have to much as in English. | |
Tengo que aprender español. | I have to learn Spanish. |
Tengo que leer más. | I have to read more. |
Tienes que comer. | You have to eat. |
Tenemos que trabajar. | We have to work. |
Expressions that use Tener to Mean I am
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Many expressions that use I am in English use tener in Spanish. The only way to know when is to familiarize yourself with each expression that uses tener. Some examples are given here. | |
Tener calor | To be hot |
Tener frío | To be cold |
Tener sed | To be thirsty |
Tener hambre | To be hungry |
Tener sueño | To be sleepy |
Tener prisa | To be in a hurry |
(No) Tener Razón | To be right (wrong) |
Tener ... años de edad | To be ... years old |
Tengo mucho calor. | I am very hot. |
¿Tienes sed? | Are you thirsty? |
Ella tiene sueño. | She is sleepy. |
¡Tenemos mucha prisa! | We are in a big hurry! |
No tengo frío. | I'm not cold. |
Pedro y Carlos tienen razon. | Pedro and Carlos are right. |
posted by Unknown at
9:54 am
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