Albanian Lesson 06
Friday, October 08, 2004
Learn Albanian
muze, -u, -, -të (masc.) | museum |
piktur/ë, -a, -a, -at (fem.) | painting |
teat/ër, -ri, -ra, -rat (masc.) | theatre |
loj/ë, -a, -ëra -ërat (fem.) | play |
lum/ë, -i, -enj, -enjtë (masc.) | river |
ur/ë, -a, -a, -at (fem.) | bridge |
ndërtes/ë, -a, -a, -at (fem.) | building |
qend/ër, -ra, -ra, -rat (fem.) | downtown, center |
rrënim, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | ruins |
plazh, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | beach |
det, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | sea |
oqean, -iu, -e, -et (masc.) | ocean |
liqen, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | lake |
mal, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | mountain |
kinema, -ja, -, -të (fem.) | cinema, movie theatre |
film, -i, -a, -at (masc.) | movie |
hotel, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | hotel |
dhome njeshe | single room |
dhome dyshe | double room |
par/e, -ja, -, -et (fem.) | money |
spital, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | hospital |
stacion, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | station |
stacion autobusi | bus station |
stacion treni | train station |
aeroport, -, -e, -et (masc.) | airport |
taksi, -a, -, -të (fem.) | taxi |
metro, -ja, -, -të (fem.) | subway |
reklam/ë, -a, -a, -at (fem.) | advertisement |
zbatim, -i, -e, -et (masc.), aplikim (masc.) | application |
revist/ë, -a, -a, -at (fem.) | magazine |
çe/k, -ku, -qe, -qet (masc.) | cheque |
çek i udhëtuesit | traveller's cheque |
kart krediti | credit card |
valixh/e, -ja, -e, -et (fem.) | suitcase |
bagazh, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | luggage |
(i,e) shtrenjtë | expensive |
(i,e) lirë | cheap |
sport, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | sport |
ekip, -i, -e, -et (masc.) | team |
skuadër futbolli | football (soccer) team |
rrugë e gjerë | avenue |
qosh/e, -ja, -e, -et (fem.) | corner |
qoshe rruge | street corner |
bllok qyteti | city block |
semafor, -i, -ë, -ët (masc.) | street light |
afër | close to |
larg | far from |
(i,e) djathtë | right |
(i,e) majtë | left |
djathtas | on the right |
majtas | on the left |
perballë | across from |
ngjitur me | next to |
(i,e) rrethuar nga | surrounded by |
ndër, midis | among |
mesnatë (fem.) | midnight |
mesditë (fem.) | midday, noon |
thek bukë | to toast, to break bread |
filloj, nis | to begin, to start |
dëgjoj | to listen |
udhëtoj | to travel |
ndjek | to attend |
drejtoj | to drive |
praktikoj | to practice |
shoh, shikoj | to see |
kaloj kohën | to spend time |
Ku ke lindur? | Where were you born? |
dita e parë | the first day |
gëzohem | charmed |
sonte | tonight |
atëherë | then, in that case |
secili, secila | each |
akoma | still |
kurrgjë, asgjë | nothing |
gjithçka | everything |
gjithashtu | also |
deri, derisa, gjersa | until |
më vonë, pastaj | later |
punëtor | hardworking |
dembel/dembele | lazy |
(i,e) lumtur | happy |
jo i lumtur/jo e lumtur | unhappy |
(i,e) njëjtë | same |
kurrë, asnjëherë | never |
si pasojë | therefore |
bazuar në, sipas | according to |
në qoftë se | if |
Present Conjugations of Five Common Verbs
unë them | I say |
ti thua | you say |
ai/ajo thotë | he/she says |
ne themi | we say |
ju thoni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) say |
ata/ato thuajnë | they say |
unë shoh | I see |
ti sheh | you see |
ai/ajo sheh | he/she sees |
ne shohim | we see |
ju shihni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) see |
ata/ato shohin | they see |
unë marr | I receive |
ti merr | you receive |
ai/ajo merr | he/she receives |
ne marrim | we receive |
ju merrni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) receive |
ata/ato marrin | they receive |
unë pi | I drink |
ti pi | you drink |
ai/ajo pi | he/she drinks |
ne pimë | we drink |
ju pini | you (pl.), you (form.) drink |
ata/ato pinë | they drink |
unë ha | I eat |
ti ha | you eat |
ai/ajo ha | he/she eats |
ne hamë | we eat |
ju hani | you (pl.), you (form.) eat |
ata/ato hanë | they eat |
Present Indicative of Verbs of the Second Kind
Verbs that end in a consonant comprise the second group of verbs in Albanian. Examples are: jap = to give, hap = to open, vendos = to put, and mbyll = to close. The endings for the Present Indicative of regular verbs of the second kind are given below. | |
The present indicative of many verbs in Albanian have the same endings as verbs of the second kind, but have stem charges as well. Some examples of those verbs are given above (shoh, marr) others are pres and përsëris, in which the final s changes to a t in the second and third person singular. | |
unë jap | I give |
ti jap | you give |
ai/ajo jap | he/she gives |
ne japim | we give |
ju japni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) give |
ata/ato japin | they give |
unë vendos | I put |
ti vendos | you put |
ai/ajo vendos | he/she puts |
ne vendosim | we put |
ju vendosni | you (pl.), you (form.) put |
ata/ato vendosin | they put |
unë hap | I open |
ti hap | you open |
ai/ajo hap | he/she opens |
ne hapim | we open |
ju hapni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) open |
ata/ato hapin | they open |
unë mbyll | I close |
ti mbyll | you close |
ai/ajo mbyll | he/she closes |
ne mbyllim | we close |
ju mbyllni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) close |
ata/ato mbyllin | they close |
unë përsëris | I repeat |
ti përsërit | you repeat |
ai/ajo përsërit | he/she repeats |
ne përsërisim | we repeat |
ju përsërisni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) repeat |
ata/ato përsërisin | they repeat |
unë pres | I wait |
ti pret | you wait |
ai/ajo pret | he/she wait |
ne presim | we wait |
ju presni | you (pl.)/you (fam.) wait |
ata/ato presin | they wait |
To Be Going To
Albanian has a very similar expression to the English construction to be going to. It is the simplest way of expressing future action as it only requires that do të be placed in front of the verb. | |
Do të shkoj ... | I'm going to go ... |
Do të shkojmë ... | We're going to go ... |
Do të blejnë ... | They are going to buy ... |
Ju do të merrni | You (pl.) are going to take ... |
Do të shikoj ... | I'm going to watch ... |
Ajo do të ka ... | She's going to have ... |
The Possessive (Genitive) Case of the Noun
Albanian, unlike English, has several conjugations of the noun. The Genitive case of the noun is analogous to the English possessive case, it is used to denote the possessor of an object or the performer of an action. | |
The form of the genitive case depends both on the gender of the owner, and the object that is owned. The general form is object that is owned + connective article + genitive case of owner. | |
For masculine owners, the genitive is formed by an -it or -ut to the indefinite form of the noun, usually depending on whether the definite form of the noun ends in a i or u. For feminine owners, the genitive case is formed by adding -s or -së, usually depending on whether the indefinite noun ends ë or not. For plural nouns, the genitive case is formed by adding -ve to the noun, irregardless of gender. | |
The connective article depends on the gender of the object that is owned, i if masculine, e if feminine, and e if plural of either gender. | |
libri i Agimit | Agim's book |
vëllai i Gjergjit | George's brother |
motra e Agimit | Agim's sister |
dhoma e muzeut | the museum's room |
kafazi i zogut | the bird's cage |
libri i Elës | Ela's book |
vendi i kinemasë | the cinema's seat |
burri i gruasë | the woman's husband |
motra e Elës | Ela's sister |
revista e vajzës | the girl's magazine |
kafja e profesoreshës | the (fem.) professor's coffee |
libri e shokve | the friends' book |
librat e shokve | the friends' books |
motra e shokve | the friends' sister |
motrat e shokve | the friends' sisters |
libri e shoqeve | the friends' book |
librat e shoqeve | the friends' books |
motra e shoqeve | the friends' sister |
motrat e shoqeve | the friends' sisters |
kafazi e zogjve | the birds' cage |
dhomat e muzeve | the museums' rooms |
posted by Unknown at
3:30 pm
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