Spanish Lesson 06
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Learn Spanish
el museo | museum |
el cuadro, la pintura | painting |
el teatro | theatre |
la obra de teatro | play |
el río | river |
el puente | bridge |
el edifico | building |
el centro | downtown |
las ruinas | ruins |
la playa | beach |
el mar | sea |
el oceano | ocean |
el lago | lake |
la montaña | mountain |
el cine | cinema, movie theatre |
la película | movie |
el hotel | hotel |
la habitación doble | double room |
el dinero | money |
el hospital | hospital |
el término de autobuses | bus station |
el estación de tren | train station |
el aeropuerto | airport |
el taxi | taxi |
el metro | subway |
el anuncio | advertisment |
la solicitud | application |
la revista | magazine |
el cheque de viajero | traveller's cheque |
la tarjeta de credito | credit card |
la maleta, la valija | suitcase |
el equipaje | luggage |
caro (-a) | expensive |
barato (-a) | cheap |
el deporte | sport |
el equipo | team |
la avenida | avenue |
la esquina | street corner |
la manzana (Esp.), la cuadra | city block |
el semáforo | street light |
cerca de | close to |
lejos de | far from |
a la derecha | on the right |
a la izquierda | on the left |
frente a | across from |
al lado de, junto a | next to |
rodeada | surrounded by |
entre | among |
la medianoche | midnight |
el mediadía | midday, noon |
brindar | to toast |
empezar, comenzar | to begin, to start |
echuchar | to listen |
viajar | to travel |
asistir (a) | to attend |
conducir (irreg. in yo) | to drive |
yo conduzco | I drive |
practicar | to practice |
ver | to see |
pasar | to spend time |
¿Dónde naciste? | Where were you born? |
el primer día | the first day |
encantado | charmed (if you are a male) |
encantada | charmed (if you are a female) |
esta noche | tonight |
entonces | then, in that case |
cada | each |
aún | still |
nada | nothing |
toda | everything |
también | also |
hasta | until |
luego | later |
trabajador (-a) | hardworking |
haragán | lazy |
feliz | happy |
infeliz | unhappy |
mismo | same |
nunca | never |
por eso | therefore |
según | according to |
si | if |
Three common irregular verbs (estar,ir,dar)
estar | to be |
estoy | I am |
estás | you are |
está | you (form.) are, he/she is |
estamos | we are |
estáis | you (fam. pl.) are |
estan | you (form. pl.)/they are |
ir | to go |
voy | I go |
vas | you go |
va | you (form.) go, he/she goes |
vamos | we go |
vais | you (fam. pl.) go |
van | you (form. pl.)/they go |
dar | to give |
doy | I give |
das | you give |
da | you (form.) give, he/she give |
damos | we give |
dais | you (fam. pl.)/they give |
dan | you (form. pl.)/they give |
Constructions using Ir a
The verb ir, meaning to go, can be used, much as in English, to express future action: | |
The formula for this construction is: conjugated form of ir + a + infinitive of future action verb. The infinitive form of a verb is the form that is usually listed in the vocabulary. For example: empezar (to begin), ir (to go), estar (to be). | |
Voy a ir al aeropuerto. | I am going to go to the airport. |
Él va a estudiar anoche. | He is going to study tonight. |
Vamos a leer un libro. | We are going to read a book. |
Ellos van a asistir a el clase de español hoy. | They are going to attend Spanish class today. |
Nosotros vamos a dar el coche a Pedro. | We are going to give the car to Pedro. |
¿Vas a hablar con Carlos hoy? | Are you going to talk to Carlos today? |
The Infinitive: Part I
The infinitive is the unconjucated form of a verb, the form listed in the vocabularies. In English, the infinitive is analogous to the form to + verb. For example: to eat, to walk, to begin. | |
In the constructions using ir a, the infinitive form is used after the conjugated form of ir. In fact, this can be generalized to a rule: the infinitive form of the verb is used if it follows a conjugated verb with the same subject. There may or may not be a preposition between the two verbs. | |
Currently the only example we have of this is in the construction ir a, but many will soon follow. Here are some previews. | |
Prefiero ir con Usted. | I would prefer to go with you. |
Ellos se gusta balilar en el club. | They like dancing in the club. |
Tengo que asistir a la clase. | I have to attend the class. |
Uses of Ser and Estar: Part I
As you now know, there are two ways to say to be in Spanish. It is important to know when to use each, but it is something that will take time to figure out. | |
The verb ser is generally used for more permanent features: | |
Some of the less obvious uses for ser are: | |
The verb estar is usually used for qualities that are not permanent: | |
Some of the less obvious uses of estar are: | |
Él es rubio. | He is blond. |
Son las cinco y media. | It is five thirty. |
Ellas estan cubanas. | They (fem.) are Cuban. |
Yo soy de Canada. | I am from Canada. |
El carro es de Raúl. | The car is Raul's. |
No estás registrado. | You are not registered. |
¿Está Ud. listo? | Are you ready? |
Ellos no están aquí. | The are not here. |
¿Dónde estás? | Where are you? |
El libro Pedro Paramo está muy interestante. | The book Pedro Paramo is very interesting. |
posted by Unknown at
8:27 am
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