Spanish Miscellaneous 06
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Learn Spanish
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destacar | emphasize |
la oratoria | oratory, oratorical art |
el truco | trick |
inclinarse | to bend over |
saltar | to jump |
la pila | battery (flashlight) |
auspiciar | to support |
hacer un viaje | to take a trip |
regalar | to treat royally |
donde sea | wherever |
asombrosa | amazing |
capaz | capable |
cansarse | to get tired |
apenas | hardly |
graduarse | to graduate |
ensombrecer | to darken |
engañar | to deceive |
restante | remaining, rest |
el aumento | to increase |
aportar | to contribute |
distribuir | to distribute |
la adhesión | membership |
lo que pasa es que | sentance starter |
el desafío | challenge |
la bufanda | scarf |
calificar | to describe |
cotejar | to collate |
estar por | to be in favor of |
torcerse (o:ue) el tobillo | to twist one's ankle |
entregar | to hand in/over |
el(la) cantante | singer |
torcer | to twist |
el gorro | cap |
resfriarse | to catch cold |
cortés | polite |
el testigo | witness |
controlar la inflación | to control inflation |
agradecer (yo agradezco) | to thank (I thank) |
dotado de | endowed with |
el ramo | bouquet |
repasar | to review |
girar en torno a | to revolve around |
generoso | generous |
provocar | to cause |
resulta (que) | it turns out (that) |
permanecer (yo permanezco) | to remain (I remain) |
el ágape | banquet |
el consumo | consumption |
denunciar | to report |
Pórtate bien | Behave yourself |
el nailon | nylon |
estás loco | you're nuts, you gotta be kidding |
discutir | to discuss |
soler (o:ue) | to be accustomed to |
peligroso | dangerous |
escaparse | to escape |
darse prisa | to hurry |
aproximadamente | approximately |
provenir | to come (off) |
conmover (o:ue) | to move emotionally |
los jeanes, el pantalón vaquero | jeans |
el sucursal | branch, branch office |
gracioso | witty |
lastimarse | to hurt oneself |
el sindicato | union |
total que | so anyhow (begining of sentance) |
el algodón | cotton |
asegurar | to assure |
confesar (e:ie) | to confess |
reírse de | to laugh at |
los zapatos de tacón alto | high heeled shoes |
poner en orden | to straighten up |
el cohete | rocket |
mira | look here... |
con razón... | no wonder... |
posted by Unknown at
8:08 pm
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